23 ways to say beautiful woman in Spanish (2024)

You’re in love with that gorgeous Latina… but, how do you praise her, so you can tell her that she’s a beautiful woman in Spanish?

Most men like to express how much they appreciate women’s beauty, and women usually like their couples to do that.

The translation for that would be“Eres una mujer hermosa”.

If you’re looking for more phrases to say: You’re a beautiful woman in Spanish,then you’ve come to the right place.

But, how can you diversify your vocabulary, and go beyond that one phrase?

This article will go through 23 different ways to say beautiful woman in Spanish so you can show your girl how much you love her and how beautiful she is to you.

Let’s get started!

#1 Hermosa

Yes, this word means beautiful, but what if you mix it up with a couple of more interesting end romantic words? like this:

  • Eres supremamente hermosa:You are supremely beautiful
  • Tú eres impresionantemente hermosa:Yours breathtakingly beautiful
  • Eres la mujer más hermosa de todas:you are the most beautiful woman of all

That would be way better than if he just calls her “beautiful woman” in Spanish.

And you know… You need to be more poetic, you need to put your heart to the compliment that you’re about to say.

Actually, if she’s extremely beautiful in your eyes, then you may say…

#2 Preciosa

This is just a synonym of “Hermosa”, but it adds a little more intensity to her beauty.

How can you use it?

Replace “hermosa” with “preciosa” in the examples that I gave you previously, or you might also use any of these phrases:

  • Eres preciosa:You’re precious.
  • Tienes los ojos más preciosos que he visto:You have the most precious yes I have seen in my life.
  • Eres una mujer preciosísima:You’re very precious.

Another way to say beautiful woman in Spanish is using the word:

#3 Bella

23 ways to say beautiful woman in Spanish (1)

This one means beautiful, but it’s a little less intense than if you say “hermosa” or “preciosa”. Here are some examples with “bella”:

  • Tienes el rostro más bello que he visto:You have the most beautiful face I’ve seen.
  • Eres la mujer más bella de todo este país:You’re the most beautiful woman in this country.
  • No creo que podrías ser más bella:I don’t think you could even be more beautiful.

Now, do you want to say “beautiful woman” in Spanish without any kind of romantic interest?

Then use…

#4 Bonita

“Bonita” means “pretty”, so I’m sure you don’t want to call your crush this way because if you do so, you’d sound like if you were just giving a neutral comment on her beauty.

What you want is to praise her, and make her feel good, right?

This word would be better if you use it to describe a woman who’s just pretty, but nothing else, you don’t feel attracted to her.

Like this…

  • Mi mamá era muy bonita cuando era joven:My mother was very pretty when she was young.
  • La vecina de mi abuela es bonita, pero no es la gran cosa:My grandma’s neighbor is very pretty, but she’s not such a great thing.
  • Una mujer bonita no necesita maquillaje:A pretty woman doesn’t need any makeup.

#5 Guapa

“Guapa” is an adjective you might use, to talk about someone you’re attracted to.

You might also use it to admire the beauty of a girl without a romantic interest.

And just like you can do with other adjectives, you might intensify the meaning of “beautiful” if you add the ending is“ísima”, like this:

  • Hace mucho tiempo no te veía, estás guapísima, ¿has estado yendo al gimnasio?:Long time no see, you are very beautiful, have you been going to the gym?
  • Mi ex-novia se puso guapísima cuando terminó conmigo, ¿será que está saliendo con alguien?:my ex-girlfriend became beautiful when she broke up with me, could she be dating someone else?
  • La actriz de la película que vimos ayer era muy guapa:The actress from the movie we saw yesterday was very beautiful.

#6 Linda

This word literally translates “cute”, and we use it very much like number 4:Bonita.

If you call a woman “linda”, you might communicate the idea that you’re not attracted to her, but you’re recognizing her beauty.

I have to make clear that the message you deliver also depends on the tone you use when making a description.

Another way to use this word is when you think someone is a nice person because she does good things for others.

Here are some example:

  • Mi sobrina es súper linda, tiene unos ojos grandísimos:My niece is super pretty, she has such big eyes.
  • ¡Mi abuela tan linda! Me trajo un regalo de España:My grandma is so nice! She brought me a gift from Spain.
  • Sara era muy linda cuando era niña, pero creció y ahora es horrible:Sarah was very cute when she was a child, but she grew up and she is horrible now.
23 ways to say beautiful woman in Spanish (2)

#7 Agraciada

This word is the least intense on this list. If we translate it, we’ll get something like “to have grace” or “to be graceful”.

If a native speaker uses this word to describe the beauty of a woman in Spanish, that means that he finds her a bit ugly, but there’s something about her that makes her a little pretty too.

Some example phrases:

  • No me gusta Tatiana, ella es agraciada, pero no me convence:I don’t like Tatiana, she has some grace, but she doesn’t convince me.
  • No digo que Camila sea fea, solo digo que es agraciada. Nada más:I’m not saying Camila is ugly, I’m just saying she has some grace. Nothing else.
  • Ella es agraciada, pero tiene algo extraño en su rostro:She has some grace, but there’s something odd in her face.

#8 Atractiva

I would say this is the most formal way to call a woman beautiful in Spanish, it means “attractive”.

Heck, it even sounds formal in English!

I’m sure you don’t want to call your crush this way.

You don’t want her to think that she doesn’t cause such a huge impact on you, do you?… Here are some examples:

  • María es una mujer exitosa, elegante y atractiva:María is a successful, fancy and attractive woman.
  • Mi tía se ve muy atractiva esta noche, espero que su esposo también luzca bien: My aunt looks very attractive tonight, I hope her husband looks good too.
  • Tengo una amiga muy atractiva que me gustaría presentarte:I have a very attractive friend that I’d like you to meet.

#8 Estar divina

“Divina” means “divine”, and if you’re religious, or you know how much value religious people give to divine things, then you probably get it:

If a girl looks “divina”, that means that she’s looking extremely beautiful.

People use this phrase especially when a woman pays special attention to her grooming.

Just imagine that you’re used to seeing your sister wearing ugly clothes, no makeup, and being dirty all the time.

One day she decides to change all of that and she becomes the opposite: She looks, and smells good now.

If that happens, someone may tell her “Estás divina”.

Some example phrases:

  • Hoy es el primer día de escuela de mi hija. Tiene el uniforme de la escuela y está divina:Today is my daughter’s first day of school. She’s got the school uniform, and she looks beautiful.
  • Mi bebé se vedivina con la ropa que mi papá le regaló:My baby looks beautiful with the clothes my dad gave her.
  • Mamá, ¡estás divina! ¿vas a salir con alguien?:Mom, you look beautiful! are you going on a date with some one?

#9 Chula

People from Central América use this word as slang to refer to a beautiful girl.

Here are some examples:

  • Te ves súper chula, estoy seguro que tu novio se va a enamorar más de ti:You look very beautiful, I’m sure your boyfriend is going to fall more in love with you.
  • ¿De verdad eres tú? ¡Te ves muy chula!:Is that really you? You Look beautiful!
  • Si te pones ese vestido, vas a ser la más chula de la fiesta:If you wear that dress, you’re going to be the most beautiful girl at the party.

All of the 9 words we’ve covered so far are adjectives to describe a beautiful woman in Spanish.

These words might even be used on men too, or even for things or animals.

Related:How to say handsome in Spanish using 26 different ways to show your crush how much you like him.

We’ll go now through some phrases people use to compliment a girl because of her beauty.

#10 Ser una belleza

The word “Belleza” translates Beauty into English, so if you use this phrase to praise a woman, you’re not just calling her beautiful, you’re saying thatshe is “the beauty”.

I don’t know about you, but this sounds like you really like that lady. Here are some examples:

  • No puedo creer lo que veo, eres una belleza:I can’t believe my eyes you are a beauty.
  • Cuando la veo no puedo pensar, ella es toda una belleza:When I see her I can’t think, she’ s a beauty.
  • Mi esposa es la mujer más hermosa del mundo, es una belleza completa:My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world, she ‘s a complete Beauty.

#11 Ser una preciosidad

Another option is calling that woman “una preciosidad”.

With this phrase, you’re not only saying that she’s precious, or gorgeous. What it means is that she’s absolutely beautiful in your eyes, she’s “The precious”.

In other words, this phrase communicates that the perfect definition for gorgeous is the woman you’re praising.

  • Todo me gusta de ti: tu cara, tu cuerpo, tu personalidad, eres una preciosidad:I like everything about you: your face, your body, your personality, you are precious.
  • ¿Estás hablando de la prima de Alberto? ¡Esa chica es una preciosidad!:Are you talking about Alberto’s cousin? That girl is a precious!
  • ¿Por qué miras a otras chicas si tienes a una preciosidad al frente?:Why do you look at other girls if you have such a beauty in front of you?

#12 Mamacita/Mamazota

Both of these words are slang, and they mean beautiful woman in Spanish.

Men use it to describe a girl who looks really good.

A piece of advice: Don’t use it on strange women, it might be annoying or even offending.

Most Spanish-speaking women feel uncomfortable when strangers compliment them.

But if you’re married, or if you’re dating a native speaker, she’ll likely appreciate you praising her about how good she looks today.

Some examples:

  • Jessica Alba es una mamacita:Jessica alba is beautiful.
  • Te ves muy bien, ¡mamazota!:You look very good, beautiful!
  • Mi esposa es toda una mamacita:My wife is so beautiful.

#13 ¡Qué mami!

I’m not sure about other countries, but I hear this phrase a lot in Colombia.

To give you an example of how to use it, let’s imagine your girlfriend is about to go out on a date with you, she spends 2 hours getting ready and putting a lot of effort into her grooming.

When she comes out of the room, she looks amazingly beautiful. If you want to praise her, you may say:

  • Wow, ¡qué mami!:What a beautiful woman.
  • Te ves genial. Eres toda una mami hoy:You look great. You’re so beautiful today.
  • Uy, ¡Qué mami!

#14 Es sensual

This expression is used only to describe a sensual woman.

You know, a sensual person is someone who doesn’t necessarily need a pretty face or a perfect body to be pretty.

A woman might be sensual depending on what she wears, how she talks, or how she acts.

It’s hard to define what sensual is really because beauty is something so relative.

Here are some examples with this phrase though:

  • Si quieres participar en esta obra de teatro, tienes que ser más sensual, tienes que usar ropa diferente:If you want to be in this play, you have to be more sensual, you have to wear something different.
  • Ella es muy sensual, su mirada, su forma de hablar y su ropa, es hermosa:She is very sensual, her look, the way she talks, and her clothes. She’s beautiful.
  • Cariño, te ves muy sensual el día de hoy:Darling you look very sensual today.

#15 Es sexy

23 ways to say beautiful woman in Spanish (3)

This means hot, hottie or sexy.

You may use to describe a man too, but since we’re talking about women, here are a couple of examples in which we’re saying that a woman is sexy, or hot:

  • Mi amigo dice que la actriz más sexy de Hollywood es Margot Robbie:My friend says that the sexiest hollwood actress is Margot Robbie.
  • Tu mamá se ve super sexy hoy, ¿ella está saliendo con alguien en este momento?:Your mom looks super sexy today, is she dating someone right now?
  • Tu tia es una mujer joven y sexy, ella merece conocer a alguien que la valore:Your aunt is a young and sexy woman, she deserves to meet someone who values her.

Related:How to say handsome in Spanish using 26 different ways to show your crush how much you like him.

#16 Es todo un bombón

If you describe a woman to be “todo un bombón”, what you’re actually saying is thatshe is delightfully beautiful.


Because the word “bombón” means lollipop, which is a kind of sweet candy that people usually enjoy a lot.

Here are a couple of examples:

  • Para mí mi esposa es la más hermosa de todas, ella es todo un bombón:For me, my wife is the most beautiful of all, she’s delightfuly beautiful.
  • Cuando conocí a tu abuela, ella tenía 20 años, era todo un bombón:When I met your grandma, she was 20, she was delightfuly beautiful.
  • Anoche vi a Laura, llevaba un vestido rojo. Era todo un bombón:I saw Laura last night, she had a red dress. She was extremely beautiful.

#17 Es un churro

This phrase is a variation of the previous one, but in this one, we’re comparing a person with a “churro”, which is some a kind of super sweetened, and full of sugar bread.

Yes, I know it sounds strange, but that’s how people say beautiful woman in Spanish.

And you know how addictive sweet stuff is for us humans, right? (I’m guilty of sugar addiction too).

So, since most people love sweet things, then they compare good-looking people with sweet foods, like churros!

Some examples:

  • Manuela entró al gimnacion y ahora es todo un churro:Manuela joined the gym and she’s so hot now.
  • Cuando María se pone maquillaje se vuelve un churro:When María puts make up on, she looks so hot.
  • No te dejes engañar, hay muchas chicas que aparentan ser un churro, pero solo son sus fotos en instagram:Don’t let yourself be fooled, there’s lots of girls who look hot, but it’s just their instagram pictures.

#18 ¿Quién pidió pollo?

This is a saying in Spanish, and again, it’s another comparison with food.

This time we’re talking about chicken, because… Who doesn’t like chicken, right?

KFC knows that, and Spanish native speakers too, and that’s why they throw this question when a woman has a good body.

It’s kind of a classic and silly joke among Spanish speakers.

What comes to a native speaker’s mind is some sort of mental image of him feeling hungry, and unexpectedly getting chicken for lunch and happily saying:

“¿Quién pidió pollo?”

I know, it’s a weird comparison, but people say that, and they do it a lot.

For instance:

  • Wow, ¿quién pidió pollo?… no puedo creer lo bien que te ve es luego de 6 meses en el gimnasio.
  • Ana, ¿quién pidió pollo?… Francisco se va a volver loco cuando te vea esta noche.

Related: The One Thing You’re Missing If You Want To Speak Spanish Like A Native -13 Experts Share Their Best Adivce

#19 Tiene lo suyo

If someone says this phrase to describe a girl, it means that she might not be the prettiest, but she has a nice body.

Also, the woman being described may not have the perfect body, but perhaps the person who’s describing her is referring to some part of her body that he finds attractive.

In other words, he’s saying: “she’s got something” (her body).

For example.

  • No sé, la primera vez que vi a Sofía, no me pareció linda, pero luego vi que tiene lo suyo: I don’t know, the first time I saw Sofía, she didn’t look cute to me, but then I saw that she’s got something.
  • Paula no es muy sociable, ni es la más hermosa, pero tiene lo suyo: Paula isn’t very sociable nor the most beautiful, but she’s got something.

#20 Está buena

This expression focuses exclusively on the body of a woman.

If someone uses this phrase, that means that he or she finds the body of a woman very attractive.

Avoid using this phrase or any of the phrases that describe the body of a woman if you don’t have romantic intentions with the girl you’re talking about, otherwise, you might give the wrong impression, and you might even sound male chauvinist.

For example:

  • Esa mujer está buenísima.
  • Natalia está buena, tiene un cuerpo muy bonito.

If you want it to sound properyour best shot is to go with the 9 first options from this list.

But if you have a committed relationship with space for praising and humor, go ahead and use this

and the coming phrases.

Of course, always watch your tone.

#21 Es una cosota

This phrase could be translated as “she is such a big thing”, or “she’s such a big deal”.

If you hear this one, it means that the person who saying it, loves every physical aspect of the woman he describes.

For instance:

  • Mi ex novia era una cosota, pero terminó conmigo y se fue con un hombre que tenía dinero.
  • ¿Emma Watson? Me encantan todas sus películas. ¡Y qué cosota de mujer!

#21 Está como quiere.

This expression is purely physical and even worse, I don’t know how to translate it.

It would be something like“she is just how is she wants to be”. And it kind of makes sense, we all want to have a good body and look good, right?

If you say it, that means that you love how her body looks, and you might be communicating that you desire her body.

Warning: You don’t want to say that’s your grandma or your boss, so be careful with it.

For example:

  • La secretaria de mi jefe me distrae todo los días, ¡ella está como quiere!
  • Creo que le gustas a mi vecina, ¿la recuerdas? La chica que está como quiere.

#22 Está pasada de buena

So you remember number 20 when I told you that it was exclusively to refer to how good a woman’s body looks?

This phrase is kind of an intensifier for that, if you say it, it means that you are extremely attracted to her body.

Some examples:

  • ¡Uy! No sé que le hicieron a mi ex, pero está pasada de buena, no sé porqué terminé con ella.
  • Ten cuidado con ese chico, el otro día lo escuche decir que tú estás pasada de buena. Creo que solo le interesa tu cuerpo.

#23 Tiene un cuerpazo

Yes, this expression also focuses on a woman’s body, but it doesn’t necessarily tells that you like her.

It communicates that you just admiring hey body.

The translation could be: “to have a good body”.

As always, be careful with how you say things because your tone might make the difference when you’re admiring someone or expressing desire.


  • Para ser modelo tienes que tener un cuerpazo:To be a model you have to have a good body.
  • En el gimnasio puedes conseguir un cuerpazo como el mío:In the gym you may get a good body like mine.

And there you go…

Those are 23 different ways to you call a woman beautiful in Spanish.

I don’t want to be guilty of you getting punched by a woman in the face because you said the wrong compliment, so be careful and choose your words wisely.

Is there any other word or expression you’ve heard to praise a girl in Spanish?

Let me know in the comments below.

23 ways to say beautiful woman in Spanish (2024)


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