How to Write a Letter in Spanish: Essential Tips and Phrases (2024)

Grover Laughton10 min

Created: May 23, 2024Last updated: May 27, 2024

How to Write a Letter in Spanish: Essential Tips and Phrases (1)

Spanish for beginners


Want to write a letter in Spanish but don’t know where to begin? It’s common to feel a bit lost at first, but you can master it with a few simple steps. Writing aletter in Spanish opens doors to new connections. You might want to say hello to a friend, give thanks, or deal with business issues. The process is less complicated if you understand the main aspects. Our guide will explain howto complete a mail in Spanish.

The Basics:How to Write a Letter in Spanish

A clear format helps your writing make a good impression. A Spanish letter has different parts that give it structure. These are the address, date, greeting, body, closing, and others. Following this format keeps your writing organized and professional. We will look at the specific details ofletter format in Spanish below:

  • Letterhead.Usually includes the sender’s name and contact details at the top. It marks your letter as professional and recognizable.
  • Date. Shows when the letter is written. It is aligned to the right.
  • Receiver address. This section has the recipient’s name and address. The information typically goes below the date.
  • Greeting.Begins your letter in a polite way. It sets the tone for what’s to come.
  • Body.Holds your main message or information. This part lets you explain, ask, or inform.
  • Sign-off.Provides a polite closure. Common phrases includeatentamente [a.tenˈ] (sincerely) for formal letters orun saludo [un saˈluðo] (best wishes) for informal ones.
  • Signature. Your handwritten signature confirms the sender’s identity. More contact details may follow in formal letters.

These are the main elements that make up the format ofwritten letters in Spanish. Understanding each part helps you create a clear and effective message.

The Address and the Date on a Letter in Spanish

Each country uses a unique style to write addresses. So, you need to research the specific address format for where your letter will go. Yet, often, countries that speak Spanish follow this general plan:

  • First and last name or company name.
  • Street name, street number, apartment number.
  • Zip code, city, state.
  • Country (if the mail goes abroad).

The date is another element. TheSpanish letter format differs from the American style, so writing it correctly is important. The day precedes the month, and the year follows. Below are examples of how to write it:

  • 10 de junio de 2024.
  • 10/06/2024.
  • 10.06.2024.

Generally, any of these formats are acceptable, but usingde between day, month, and year is most common. Always align the date to the right side of your letter.

Choosing the Right Greeting: Formal or Informal?

Like thebasic Spanish phrases, a greeting sets the tone. It can be formal or informal, depending on who receives it. The right salutation shows respect and helps build a good rapport. Below, we will look athow to address a letter in Spanish:

  • Estimado [es.tiˈma.ðo] – Esteemed.Used to address men, showing respect.
  • Estimada [es.tiˈma.ða] – Esteemed.Used to address women, conveying respect.
  • Querido [keˈɾi.ðo] – Dear.Fits the informal style; used whenwriting a letter in Spanish to a male friend or relative.
  • Querida [keˈɾi.ða] – Dear.Ideal for informal letters to a female friend or family member.
  • Hola [ˈ] – Hello.A greeting for casual letters, perfect for friends and close acquaintances.
  • Apreciado [a.pɾeˈθja.ðo] – Appreciated.Used in formal contexts to show esteem, suitable for both genders.
  • Respetado [res.peˈta.ðo] – Respected.A greeting used to show deep respect suitable for both genders in professional communications.

Opening Phrases:How to Start a Letter in Spanish

After thegreetings in Spanish, the first sentence explains why you are writing. You may express hope that the person is well, thank them, or mention a previous contact. Choosing the right opening phrases makes your letter more engaging and polite. We will look at common options below:

  • Me complace escribirle para... [me komˈplaθe esˈkɾi.βiɾ.le paˈɾa] – I am pleased to write to you to... Suitable for formal letters where you want to express politeness while introducing your reason for writing.

Me complace escribirle para informarle sobre los cambios recientes.– [me komˈplaθe esˈkɾi.βiɾ.le paˈɾa inforˈmaɾ.le soˈβɾe los kamˈbʝos reˈθjentes]– I am pleased to write to you to inform you about the recent changes.

  • Espero que este mensaje le encuentre bien. [esˈpeɾo ke ˈes.te menˈsa.xe le enˈkwentɾe βjen] – I hope this message finds you well.A common and courteous way to start both formal and informal letters, wishing the recipient well.

Espero que este mensaje le encuentre bien y en buena salud.– [esˈpeɾo ke ˈes.te menˈsa.xe le enˈkwentɾe βjen i en ˈbwena saˈluð]– I hope this message finds you well and in good health.

  • Quería informarle que... [keˈɾi.a informaɾˈle ke] – I wanted to inform you that...Useful for formal contexts when providing information or updates.

Quería informarle que hemos actualizado nuestros términos de servicio.– [keˈɾi.a informaɾˈle ke eˈmos aktwaˈliθaðo nweˈstɾos ˈtɛɾ.minos ðe serˈβiθjo]– I wanted to inform you that we have updated our terms of service.

  • Agradezco mucho su... [aɣɾaˈðeθko ˈmu.tʃo su] – I greatly appreciate your... Ideal for expressing gratitude at the beginning of aformal letter in Spanish.

Agradezco mucho su rápida respuesta a nuestro último correo.– [aɣɾaˈðeθko ˈmu.tʃo su ˈra.piða resˈpwes.ta a nweˈstɾo ˈul.timo koˈrɛ.o]– I greatly appreciate your prompt response to our last email.

  • Con referencia a... [kon refeˈɾenθja a] – Referring to…Used in formal letters when referencing previous communications or specific topics.

Con referencia a nuestra conversación telefónica, adjunto los documentos solicitados.– [kon refeˈɾenθja a nweˈstɾa konβeɾ.saˈθjon teleˈfonika, aˈ los doˈkumen.tos soliˈθi.taðos]– Referring to our telephone conversation, I am attaching the requested documents.

  • Es un placer contactar con usted... [es un plaˈθeɾ kontakˈtaɾ kon usˈteð] – It is a pleasure to contact you...A polite and warm way to start a formal or semiformal letter, expressing goodwill right from the beginning.

Es un placer contactar con usted para explorar posibles colaboraciones.– [es un plaˈθeɾ kontakˈtaɾ kon usˈteð paɾa eks.ploˈɾaɾ poˈsiβles kolaβoˈraθjones]– It is a pleasure to contact you to explore possible collaborations.

  • Tenemos el gusto de anunciar... [teˈnemos el ˈɡusto ðe aˈnunθjaɾ] – We are pleased to announce...Ideal for a formalwritten letter in Spanish, particularly in business contexts where announcing or introducing news, events, or products.

Tenemos el gusto de anunciar el lanzamiento de nuestro nuevo producto.– [teˈnemos el ˈɡusto ðe aˈnunθjaɾ el lanθaˈmjento ðe ˈnwestɾo ˈnweβo pɾoˈðukto]– We are pleased to announce the launch of our new product.

  • En respuesta a su solicitud... [en resˈpwes.ta a su soliˈθi.tuð] – In response to your request...A useful phrase to begin letters that are a direct response to a previous inquiry or request, setting a clear context for the communication.

En respuesta a su solicitud, le enviamos la información requerida adjunta.– [en resˈpwes.ta a su soliˈθi.tuð, le enˈβjamos la informaˈθjon rekeˈɾiða aˈxunta]– In response to your request, we are sending you the required information attached.


How to End a Letter in Spanish: Useful Phrases

Ending your letter well leaves a positive impression. The closing depends on your relationship with the person you’re writing to. Formal letters need a polite end; informal ones should be more casual. Here are some phrases to sign off:

  • Atentamente [a.tenˈ] – Sincerely.A standard way to end a business or official letter.
  • Cordialmente [korˈ] – Cordially. Used to convey warmth and friendliness at the end of a formal or semiformal letter.
  • Con cariño [kon kaˈɾi.ɲo] – With love. Ideal for personal letters to family members or close friends.
  • Un abrazo [un aˈβɾa.θo] – A hug.A casual and warm way to end a letter to someone you are familiar with.
  • Gracias por su atención [ˈɡɾa.θjas por su a.tenˈθjon] – Thank you for your attention.Useful in formal contexts when you appreciate the reader’s consideration of your message.
  • Saludos cordiales [saˈluðos korˈðjales] – Warm regards.This closing is suitable when you want to express a friendly yet respectful tone.
  • Esperando su respuesta [es.peˈɾ su resˈpwes.ta] – Looking forward to your response.Useful for business or formal letters where a follow-up is expected.
  • Se despide atentamente [se ðesˈpi.ðe a.tenˈ] – Sincerely yours.A formal sign-off that shows high respect and professionalism in correspondence.
  • Hasta pronto [ˈas.ta ˈ] – See you soon.Appropriate for informal letters when expecting to see or communicate with the person soon.

Essential Vocabulary for Writing Letters in Spanish

When you learnhow to write letters in Spanish, it’s helpful to know key words. The right vocabulary makes sure you communicate well. Besides greetings and closings, you need common phrases to express thanks, ask questions, or give information. We will look atessentialvocabulary that makes your letters clear and efficient:

  • Carta [ˈkaɾ.ta] – Letter. Refers to the document you are writing.

Le enviaré una carta para explicar los detalles.– [le enˈβja.ɾe ˈ ˈkaɾ.ta paˈɾa eks.pliˈkaɾ los deˈta.ʝes]– I will send you a letter to explain the details.

  • Destinatario [des.ti.naˈta.ɾjo] – Recipient. The person who receives the letter.

El destinatario de este documento debe verificar toda la información.– [el des.ti.naˈta.ɾjo ðe ˈes.te doˈ ðeˈβe βeɾi.fiˈkaɾ ˈto.ða la informaˈθjon]– The recipient of this document should verify all the information.

  • Asunto [aˈ] – Subject.Refers to the topic or reason for the letter, often placed before the body to clarify the purpose.

Indique claramente el asunto en el encabezado.– [inˈ klaɾaˈmen.te el aˈ en el en.kaˈβe.θa.ðo]– Clearly indicate the subject in the heading.

  • Adjunto [aˈ] – Attachment.Used to refer to any documents or items included with the letter.

Adjunto encontrará copias de los documentos necesarios.– [aˈ en.konˈtɾa.ɾa ˈko.pjas ðe los doˈ neθeˈsa.ɾjos]– Attached, you will find copies of the necessary documents.

  • Referencia [re.feˈɾen.θja] – Reference. Mentions previous communications or connections relevant to the current letter.

Hago referencia a nuestra conversación anterior sobre este tema.– [ˈa.ɣo re.feˈɾen.θja a nweˈstɾa konβeɾ.saˈθjon anˈte.ɾjor soˈβɾe ˈes.te ˈ]– I refer to our previous conversation about this topic.

  • Confirmación [kon.fir.maˈθjon] – Confirmation. Used when the letter’s purpose is to confirm details or agreements.

Espero su confirmación para proceder con el plan.– [esˈpe.ɾo su kon.fir.maˈθjon paɾa pɾoθeˈðeɾ kon el plan]– I await your confirmation to proceed with the plan.

  • Invitación [ˈθjon] – Invitation. Used when the letter serves the purpose of inviting the recipient to an event or meeting.

Le envío esta invitación para el evento del próximo viernes.– [le enˈβjo ˈes.taˈθjon paˈɾa el eˈβ ðel ˈpɾ ˈβjeɾ.nes]– I send you this invitation for the event next Friday.

  • Petición [pe.tiˈθjon] – Request. Refers to a formal request or appeal made in the letter.

Adjunto una petición formal para la renovación de su contrato.– [aˈ ˈ pe.tiˈθjon foɾˈmal paˈɾa la re.noˈβa.θjon de su konˈtɾ]– I attach a formal request for the renewal of your contract.

  • Informar [in.forˈmaɾ] – To inform. Used when the main intent of the letter is to provide information or updates.

Quisiera informarle sobre los cambios recientes en nuestra política.– [kiˈsje.ɾa in.forˈmaɾ.le soˈβɾe los kamˈbʝos reˈθjen.tes en ˈnwe.s.tɾa poˈli.ti.ka]– I would like to inform you about the recent changes in our policy.

Learn Spanish Vocabulary with Promova

Want to learn new Spanish words? Promova can help. Ourlanguage learning app for iOS and Android allows you to study no matter where you are. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, our courses help you succeed. They have interactive lessons, quizzes, and flashcards.

We provide real-life examples, so you can see how words are used in context. It helps you understand and remember new vocabulary better. Each lesson is short and simple. Even if you have a busy schedule, you can still make progress by learning a little every day.

Our blog can also help you learn Spanish. You may deepen your understanding by reading aboutupside-down question marks and other aspects of grammar, vocabulary usage, and Spanish culture.


It’s not easy to write a letter in Spanish at first. But it becomesbetterwith some practice. You need to learn the correct format, know how to write address and date, and use suitable greetings and important words. Practice leads to improvement, so readexample letters in Spanish and try to write your own. Soon, writing will feel natural and rewarding.


How can I check the grammar of a Spanish letter?

How to Write a Letter in Spanish: Essential Tips and Phrases (2)

Utilize tools likeSpanishChecker to check your text. Consider textbooks and guides focused on Spanish grammar rules.

What are some common errors in Spanish letters?

How to Write a Letter in Spanish: Essential Tips and Phrases (3)

They include incorrect use of formal/informal greetings, poor verb conjugation, and improper punctuation. Pay attention to these details while writing.

Is it vital to proofread a Spanish letter?

How to Write a Letter in Spanish: Essential Tips and Phrases (4)

Proofreading guarantees your message is error-free and easy to understand. Always take a moment to review your writing before sending it, or have someone else look it over for any errors you may have missed.

What resources can help me learn Spanish?

How to Write a Letter in Spanish: Essential Tips and Phrases (5)

You can useWordReference. It offers word definitions, example sentences, and translations. You can also check Promova’s guide on theSpanish alphabet and pronunciation and read other articles in our blog.

How to Write a Letter in Spanish: Essential Tips and Phrases (2024)


How do you start writing a letter in Spanish? ›

Beginning an Informal Spanish Letter

To start an informal letter, you'd normally use the form of address, Querido (dear). For example: Querido Juan: (Dear Juan) Querida Ana: (Dear Ana)

How to start a cover letter in Spanish? ›

Opening salutation (saludo de apertura)

“Estimado” (“esteemed” or “dear”) is the standard greeting when writing a cover letter in Spanish. If you know the name of the individual you're addressing, use “estimado/a Sr./Sra. [apellido].” If not, “estimado/a Sr./Sra.” is a respectful alternative.

How do you write a friendly letter step by step? ›

To write a friendly letter, one would follow the following steps. These include: choosing who to write to, creating a header, writing, deciding what to write about, creating the body, adding a closing, and adding a postscript if wanted.

How do you write a letter for beginners? ›

Tips for writing good letters
  1. Make sure that they are well written. ...
  2. Make sure all your contact details are clearly written down at the top of the letter. ...
  3. Think about what you want to say. ...
  4. Think about to whom you are writing the letter. ...
  5. Lay out your letter using paragraphs.

How do I type a Spanish letter? ›

You can reference the following codes to specify the letters you would like to input:
  1. á = Alt + 0225.
  2. Á = Alt + 0193.
  3. é = Alt + 0233.
  4. É = Alt + 0201.
  5. í = Alt + 0237.
  6. Í = Alt + 0205.
  7. ó = Alt + 0243.
  8. Ó = Alt + 0211.

How do you start the opening of a letter? ›

You will know the recipient's name in most situations, so the salutation should be “Dear," followed by “Mr.” or “Mrs.” and the recipient's last name. If you are addressing a larger group of people, the salutation can be “To”, followed by the name of the organization or department you are addressing to.

How do you start the first sentence of a letter? ›

While “To whom it may concern:” and “Dear sir” or “Dear madam” are appropriate ways to start a business letter, using the recipient's name in your salutation will make your business letter feel much warmer and more personal.

How do you address a formal letter in Spanish? ›

Formal letter greetings
Estimado señor _____: / Estimada señora _____:Dear Mister _____, / Dear Mrs. _____
Estimados colegas:Dear colleagues,
A quien corresponda:To whom it may concern,
A quien le pueda interesar:To whom it may concern,
5 more rows
Jun 5, 2023

How do you start a Spanish email? ›

How to Begin an Email in Spanish
  1. Hola. This is a pretty standard email greeting in Spanish. ...
  2. Buenos días/tardes. ...
  3. Querido/a. ...
  4. A quien corresponda. ...
  5. Apreciado señor/a o señorita. ...
  6. Un saludo. ...
  7. Espero tus noticias. ...
  8. Espero tu repuesta pronto.


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