The Event is Biblical – Prime Disclosure (2024)

The Event is Biblical – Prime Disclosure (1)

The Event is Biblical:

There will be a BIG Biblical scenario where they imagine it is World War 3, but in reality they are activating the Military – “fixing” all these Satanic Luceriferian landmarks, approving GESARA funds and We the People rebuilding.

  • What are some of the Illuminati’s GREAT satanic milestonesin the world? Q showed us: Vatican, Buckingham Palace, Whitehouse x 2 (USA, Germany), 3GD in China. Cern on the border between Switzerland and France is possible.
  • 34 Satanic Buildings and Dams Will Fall. Rods of God/DEW
  • Planes and trains around the world grounded.Lights/power off when switching to Tesla Free power.
  • Bitcoin/Data Center servers were hitand shut down for good. 99.5% of cryptocurrencies were coins from China. Enter ISO20022 coins backed by precious metals.
  • Scary event from World War 3.Nuclear sirens. Water Event. Stock market crash. Global Martial Law. CASTLE ROCK – Julian Assange setting. Quantum Systems. Project Odin activated. Nesara/Gesara/RV election being reversed by military courts – FISA
  • Military Courts/confessions/10-day film – 3×8 hour sessions.10 countries will run EBS to cover the entire world.
  • Reveals. Inauguration:THE ISRAELI MOSSAD controls the WORLD MEDIA outside the USA.
  • Project Odin,as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz, is a POWERFUL anti-deplatforming tool. Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systems will be protected by Secret Space Programs, beyond the reach of the Cabal. Q2337 reports that Mossad media assets will be removed. Think about people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper, etc. and also on Mossad satellites. Israeli intelligence – stay away. Media assets will be removed. Something powerful is going to take down the Mossad’s media satellites. This will block media worldwide. It will move us to Quantum Systems. This is the ODIN PROJECT. In short, give the reason to activate military EBS.
  • If you look up the TURKSAT rocketthat was launched from the US in January, you will see that it was specifically for MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS to popular TVs and RADIOS in AFRICA, THE MIDDLE EAST, EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA.
  • THE EVENTalso has many facets. The global blackout to switch to TESLA Energy. Eliminating media satellites, QFS, Rods of God in dams and 34 buildings and more.
  • 34 Buildings will be at the EVENT. They are very significant. That is, Whitehouse, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, Playboy Mansion and similar.
  • This will certainly cause the stock market to collapse,just like Precision Cyber ​​tied to Executive Orders 13818 and 13848. It’s all a show.
  • Exchange of Rothschild Central Bank Notesfor Rainbow Treasury Notesnow backed by Precious Metals (Non-Oil/Wars)
  • Are we still comfortable?Or are we scared? A little of both is normal. Trump keeps his promises. Have faith in the Lord Our God. He will comfort you during the storm.
  • In January, who saw up to 10 countrieshave their power turned off by the Space Force at the same time? Just before that, Israel also made this happen for 30 minutes. If they can turn off 10 at once all together. They can do everything. Welcome to Tesla.
  • Take a look at all the Global Military “Exercisesbeing implemented. Everything is happening in front of you. It is the largest GLOBAL MILITARY Operation in the History of Planet Earth. Transition to Gesara/Grandeza.
  • Now they just need to act out a fake WW3 scenarioto ring the sirens in all the National Military Command Centers. This is to justify many things that are already happening to the entire planet. The fact that the Gesara Military Law is in force. The Secret Military Tribunals, confessions, executions, everything. And as all military personnel typically do, they will help build new things.
The Event is Biblical – Prime Disclosure (2)

Breaking News: 10,000 Rescue Centers in US, Military-Supported Medical Bed Training

The game has changed and it’s time to wake up to the truth. Rescue Centers in the US are not just processing points; they are the new battleground for radical social reform.

With their number rising toa staggering 10,000, these centers are launching padsfor the few who dare to present their vision for a better future.

It’s not about paperwork or pleasantries; it’s about having the courage to stand up and declare, “I have a plan to make things right.”

When you arrive at the last station, the question you are asked – “Do you have a humanitarian project?” – it’s not idle talk. It’s a challenge, a litmus test. If you fail, you’re out, simple as that. But come prepared and you’ll be thrown into the arena, where the real fight begins.

You are asked to lay out your change plan on beautiful paper, but make no mistake, this is not a beauty contest. It’s a trial by fire. Your proposal – just a few paragraphs – is your weapon in this fight. It’s your chance to prove that you’re not just another dreamer, but a doer, someone who can take this lifeline thrown by the Quantum Financial System (QFS) and turn it into real, tangible change.

And yes,the QFS is ready to fund your ambitions,but this is not a blank check. It’s a test. You are given the tools to open accounts, but with the power to direct funds comes the great responsibility of using them wisely. With one slip-up, you’re not just failing; you are betraying the very cause you promised to defend.

Rescue Centersare not just gateways to financing; they are the crucibles in which the architects of the future are forged. This is where you prove that you are more than just talking, where you show that you have the strength to not only imagine a new world, but also to build it.

So here’s the thing: it’s a fierce fight for the future and not for the timid. Do you have a plan? Good. Now prove that you have what it takes to see it happen. The world doesn’t need more dreamers; needs achievers, fighters, visionaries willing to get their hands dirty to turn their dreams into reality.

In light of this urgency and the monumental responsibility at hand,the need to launch GESARAcannot be overstated.GESARA represents global economic change designed to ensure justice, eliminate corruption and promote prosperity around the world.It is the structural foundation needed to support the ambitious goals and transformative projects facilitated by the QFS.

Without GESARA, the equitable distribution of resources and the overarching mission to rebuild and restore balance to the world remain incomplete. Now is the time to embrace this change, to act decisively and to ensure a future where all efforts are aligned with the principles of justice, transparency and universal well-being.

The Event is Biblical – Prime Disclosure (3)

The Event is Biblical – Prime Disclosure (4)


To all the Normies,

We told you SEVEN years ago what was going on in the world.

We told you the past SIX years the importance to them of normalizing pedophilia.

We told you FOUR years ago that Hunter’s laptop was real.

And now FINALLY the court is agreeing with us.

It is now a matter of Public Record that the SON of a sitting U.S. “President” is a pedophile.

Wait until you find out who else is and what else they do.

How could anything be worse than pedophilia you ask?

We also have been telling you that for the last seven years.

Have you not been paying attention? It might be time to start. Wake up Neo, follow the White Rabbit.

Friday, June 14, 2024


Thurs. 13 June 2024 Wolverine

“I’ve been told by some very, very high sources tobe patient– that this is happening. We just have to wait our turn. It will happen in a matter of days. It has beenconfirmedthat the release of funds for currency swaps andhistoricalasset swaps began after12:00 a.m. on Tues. 11 June.These released funds will become liquid once the 800holdernumbers and emails are released.
Wed. 12 June 2024 WolverineGood news from all serious and responsible sources.

  • This has already begun,the initial sound has been heard throughout the media context of REDEMPTION/REVALUATION AND GLOBAL FINANCIAL RESET.
  • It has beenconfirmedthat the release of funds for currency swaps andhistoricalasset swaps began after 12:00 a.m. on Tues. 11 June.
  • These released fundswill become liquid once the 800holdernumbers and emails are released.
  • Exchange notifications begin on Wednesday, June 12.
  • It is a process that has just begun,everyone’s turn will come in due time, it will be a matter of days. We ask allbeneficiariesto be very calm and patient, as they will be receiving notifications from their taxpayers. For the safety of everyone involved in the process, it is necessary to be very, very discreet. Your friend That loves you all Wolverine

Tues. 11 June 2024 Wolverine

  • God has sent me on this journey and now I cry, for I have the official news:It has beenconfirmedthat the release of funds for currency exchanges andhistoricalassets have alreadybegun after 12 noon Tues. 11 June EST.
  • Funds will become liquid after the 800 is released to you on Wed. 12 June.
  • the last of this is a banking formality. Everything is done. The wait is over. What has been said so many times by so many that is going to happen has now happened!
  • C’s losses have already begun with the 27Asianelderly and rogue families. It has started first with the Elders who are the trigger for all exchanges and redemptions.—-
  • Once the closing process begins for Zimbabwe dollar and the Iraqi Dinar, which are part of the first currencies tocrossthe International Monetary Fund, and which revalues the currencies, all currencies will continue to close until all IMF SDR currencies are revalued.
  • Congratulations you have made it.This is real. It has started.
  • I also received a message from the director of the CIC, which is the actual foundation for Mauricio. Right now, he is currently with the President of Colombia, handing out the documents and everything to the president so the funds can be released – I am not sure if it is televised or not, but it is happening right now! I just received aphotoshoot!
  • I am beyond words right now!I am really, really, emotional.
  • What we need now is for the Tier4B notifications to start coming through, which will be tomorrow Wed. 12 June.
  • It is a privilege to have known these people(Marucio’s Team) who have changed my life. Especially my wife…. (sorry guys it has been hard, Wolverine is choked with emotion at this point). God bless you all, and hopefully, I pray to God, that that Opera will be released to you. Take care, have abeautiful day. Wolverine (transcribed by Carpathia)


The Event is Biblical – Prime Disclosure (5)


RV Iraq and Dinar:

Covert Operation Defined: “A covert operation or covert operation is a military or police operation involving a secret agent or troops acting under a presumed disguise to conceal the identity of the responsible party. Some of the covert operations are also clandestine operations that are

– carried out in secret, and

– destined to remain secret.”

Intel keyboard gurus: “I heard from my high-ranking military friend in Reno so-and-so…”

Consequences of speaking out about any military operation: “A person may face charges under the Espionage Act, a federal law enacted in 1917 that served as the basis for previous convictions of spies and those who shared confidential information with the press and public. ”

Validating the result: Will a “high-ranking military friend”, who took a military oath, be so stupid as to share secret military operational information weekly with an information provider YouTube Guru, incoherent nonsense, gobbledegook, nonsense, chatter, blabbering, absurd, pretentious, bullsh*t to the public?

Focus on facts and trends, not hysteria…

💥Repost of the 4 Dinar Requirements for RV that Gurus choose to ignore:

1. Public announcement of Iraq’s accession to the WTO.

2. Dinar RV published for 2 days in the Gazette.

3. CBI will announce RV publicly.

4. Announcement that the US will withdraw its troops from Iraq.

The 4 Requirements can all happen in one hour…

Payment systems:

BOMBSHELL: Brad Garlinghouse: “The name of the Ripple stablecoin will be $RLUSD (Ripple USD). I like to call it REAL USD. .com/RippleXrpie/status/1800910890025496963)

BRICS GESARA Alliance of Nations:

BRICS prepares to redefine global currency! Russian IMF representative Alexey Mozhin, in an interview with RIA Novosti published on Friday, suggests that BRICS countries should prepare for a potential collapse of the dollar and the international monetary system by offering an alternative currency.

Mozhin’s remarks highlight the growing recognition of the flaws of the current financial system and the potential role of the BRICS in providing an alternative solution. “Such a proposal is being discussed. In the event of the collapse of the dollar and the international monetary system, it will be necessary to transform the aforementioned BRICS accounting unit into a real currency, backed by foreign exchange assets,” he stated. Now it is officially and openly, BRICS is preparing for the GCR!!

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman declines invitation to the G7 Summit. See ( End the globalists!

Thailand says it intends to become a full member of BRICS. More (

Zim notes, titles, agro checks and GESARA benefits:

Currency wars…

✅ On Russia Day, June 12th, Russia announced that it will stop trading in dollars and euros on the Russian Stock Exchange! Russia Day is known as the Day of Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia, the Day of Independence of Russia. On June 12, 1990, the 1st Congress of People’s Deputies of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR, part of the Soviet Union) adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR.

The document declared the primacy of the Constitution and laws of the Russian republic over the legislation of the Soviet Union, establishing equal rights for all citizens, political parties and non-governmental organizations, the principle of separation of powers into three branches, namely the legislative, executive and judicial and the need to substantially expand the rights of the regions. See (

✅ The European Central Bank states that the euro’s role as a reserve currency has declined in favor of the dollar and yen. Of course, the ECB does not mention gold. Gold has overtaken the euro in global international reserves. Gold is coming to all paper currencies… See (


JUST IN: Donald Trump proposes eliminating all income taxes and replacing them with tariffs on imports if he is elected president. Can someone shout GESARA Reforms 3 and 4 please! …No income taxes until January 2025 when he takes office!!

Donald Trump says he will “defeat the cult of gender ideology to reaffirm that God created two genders, male and female”. Watch ( GESARA Conservatism on the rise!!


Since Saturday 8 June, there have been three attacks on farms in South Africa.

– Limpopo Farm outside Tzaneen – Saturday night, June 8 – Husband David (85) and Liesbet (79) Grobbelaar are attacked.

– Vrystaat – June 9 (Sunday night) – Dirk Odendaal was attacked and stabbed in the neck. He lost a lot of blood and is currently in the hospital.

– Northwest, 10th Swartruggens – wife and husband attacked. The husband is in serious condition and the wife was murdered by the attackers. See (

Bond holders must provide a percentage of their pay to a reputable law firm to investigate the Boere genocide in South Africa, to bring every political leader and authority who allowed the genocide against food producers to justice in Military Courts. This should be a top sponsor of every Bondholder!!

Developing story: “The Chief Justice of South Africa, Raymond Zondo, will be arrested by the Military Command Council in terms of Case No CCT 141/24, a matter which he has caused not to be heard as obliged in terms of section 34 of the Constitution, let’s see the law applied.” Daddy O Teng. See ( Official arrest letter here ( Where there’s smoke there’s fire. Putting the documentation in order for the eventual…

BRICS GESARA Alliance of Nations:

Game over: India gives US the middle finger in key coal deal with Russia. BRICS has great score! US influence and dominance are rapidly declining. India’s surprising alliance with Russia changes everything.

BRICS: Pandora’s Box opened: Russia and Iran open new paths to avoid the US dollar and SWIFT. The future of global trade without the US dollar. Inside the world’s largest non-dollar financial initiative.

Zim notes, titles, agro checks and GESARA benefits:

Currency wars…

✅ Fortune 500 Announcement: Currently, more than half of the Fortune 500 companies listed on the market are in the process of interfacing their products and services on the blockchain. This means that they have currently started the process of moving their tokenized assets through the new digital asset-based trading system. More ( )

✅ Zimbabwe is taking an exciting step into the future by launching a public consultation to gather views on cryptocurrency regulation ( input-to-regulation-cryptocurrency-operations?data=hs78acrypto9dhsnews) operations in the country, reports Bloomberg.

✅ This is a big change for a nation that has historically struggled with monetary issues.

✅ By asking for public feedback and talking to industry experts, Zimbabwe aims to balance encouraging innovation in the growing crypto sector with ensuring it is done responsibly and in line with international standards. More (

✅ Zimbabwe is doing everything it can to pay off the bonds in its ZiG (guaranteed by gold). I have no doubt that this will be done through the BRICS Blockchain Payment Platform (mBridge?) as Zimbabwe is about to join the BRICS!

The Event is Biblical – Prime Disclosure (6)

Saudi Arabia just shocked the dollar

In a recent video, analyst Cyrus Janssen discussed a significant shift in the global financial landscape: Saudi Arabia’s decision to end its long-standing petrodollar agreement with the US and its pivot towards the BRICS and China. This development has raised a number of questions and concerns about the future of the US dollar and the role of the BRICS in the new multipolar world.

First, let’s briefly recap the Petrodollar deal. Established in 1974, this agreement required Saudi Arabia to sell its oil exclusively in US dollars. In return, the US provided military protection to the kingdom. This system has been a cornerstone of the global financial order, sustaining the dominance of the US dollar as the world’s leading reserve currency.

However, Saudi Arabia’s recent moves suggest that this era may be coming to an end. As Janssen discussed, Saudi Arabia has been expanding its relations with several BRICS countries and with China.

This change is not just about economic cooperation, but also about security and political alignment. With this move, Saudi Arabia positions itself to capitalize on China’s Belt and Road Initiative and benefit from the growth of emerging markets, potentially diminishing the US role in the region.

The implications of this move for the US dollar are profound. The US dollar’s status as a global reserve currency has allowed the US to maintain a significant trade deficit while benefiting from seigniorage – the difference between the cost of producing a currency and its nominal value.

A decline in the dollar’s dominance could lead to higher financing costs and inflation for the US, as well as weaken its geopolitical influence.

On the other hand, the rise of the BRICS and their growing role in the global financial system could lead to a more multipolar world. This change can offer several advantages:

1. Greater stability:A multipolar world could reduce the risk of economic crises linked to a dominant single currency or economic bloc.

2. Diversified options:As more countries join the BRICS, there may be an increase in alternative financial systems, reducing dependence on the US dollar and providing more options for international trade and investment.

3. Fairer representation:A multipolar world could lead to a more equitable distribution of power in global financial governance, giving emerging economies greater influence in shaping the global economic order.

It is crucial, however, not to underestimate the challenges of such a transition. Multipolar systems are often fraught with complexities and potential conflicts. Furthermore, dismantling the deeply rooted petrodollar system would be a mammoth task, requiring coordinated efforts from multiple countries.

In conclusion, Saudi Arabia’s shift towards the BRICS and China does indeed have the potential to change the future of the US dollar and the global financial order. The implications of this seismic shift are still unfolding, with potential benefits and challenges for the US, the BRICS and the world at large. As the global financial landscape continues to evolve, all eyes will be on how these emerging dynamics shape the future of international finance and trade.

The Event is Biblical – Prime Disclosure (7)

Judy’s Note:

Recent investigations into voter fraud and manipulation are only scratching the surface. When you follow the money, you find the Federal Reserve at the center of a multi-decade Ponzi scheme. The Federal Reserve is not actually a federal agency, nor does it hold reserves. It has been manipulating the economy and contributing to financial instability for decades. Understanding this is crucial to understanding the depth of corruption.”…The Debt Clock on TelegramThu. June 13, 2024

Major events not reported in the mainstream media on Thursday. June 13, 2024:

  • Fifth. June 13, 2024 Florida Coast:Russian warships clash with US and Canadian ships near the Florida Keys. In an unexpected and tense development, Russian warships have sailed into the Atlantic and are currently involved in a standoff with American and Canadian ships near Key Largo, Florida.On Thursday. June 13, 2024Putin sent three additional warships, along with a nuclear-powered submarine, to the coast of Florida.
  • Wed. June 12, 2024:Emergency system activated as seven coastal Florida counties were underwater.
  • Fifth. June 13, 2024:Washington DC under attack as thousands of protesters take to the streets chanting “Arrest Joe Biden.”
  • Fifth. June 13, 2024:A failed assassination attempt on President Trump occurred in Pennsylvania.
  • Wed. June 12, 2024:Wildfires in Reno Nevada; firefighters rush to the scene as buildings collapse.
  • Wed. June 12, 2024:Border Patrol memo tells agents to release illegal immigrants from nearly every country in the Eastern Hemisphere.
  • Black Swan global financial event: on Sunday. June 9, 2024 Saudi Arabia has abandoned the US dollarand will not renew the 50-year petrodollar agreement with the United States. Instead, they will sell oil in multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, euro, yen and yuan. This should be treated as a Black Swan Event, but you wouldn’t know it because the US government is more focused on investigating tire tracks at a street intersection. Remember, the revolution will not be televised.
  • Planes and trains will be grounded as 34 satanic buildings and dams are hitwith direct energy weapons that will also shut down Bitcoin servers forever, plus lights and power will be turned off as the world switches to Tesla Free Energy.
  • On Thursday. June 13, 2024all flights have been canceled leaving Miami, Florida.
  • The income tax lie is the biggest lie ever told in American history.Undercover footage showed an IRS agent with a prosecutor unable to confirm whether there is a law to pay income taxes. This tax fraud case was rejected because there is, in fact, no law requiring taxes.

Apparent moment of global currency reset:

  • In the sun. June 9, 2024 the White House was lit in gold.Saudi Arabia abandoned the
    dollar and ended the petrodollar. With a market crisis imminent, it was the beginning of the end of the collapse of the global financial system. RV funds for bondholders and Tier4b have been placed in a payout position.
  • On Wednesday. June 12, 2024, around noon EST, a worldwide economic collapse continuedas Putin withdrew the US dollar and euro from the Russian stock market.
  • “It’s official. Brazil has already started.On Wednesday, June 12th,Reno is expected to release the funds, with notifications to set redemption/exchange commitments for Tier4b (We, the Internet Group) soon.”…Wolverine
  • On satellite. June 15, 2024,any bank that does not comply with Basel 3 will be closed. The new Iraqi dinar rate would be published in its Gazette. Notification to set appointments for Tier4b and bondholders was expected bySaturday. 15th of June.
  • In the sun. June 16, 2024 Global Elite Executions to be Televised Around the World:Executions Televised Around the World June 16 [Father’s Day] Booms Coming! | Alternative | Before it’s news (
  • “Wed. July 17thwas the end of the New World Order, with the beginning of the Golden Age on Tuesday Q. …The 17thLetter(JFK Jr.) on Telegram
  • Third. August 6 “Worldwide Web Takeover Declassification.” …The 17thLetter(JFK Jr.) on Telegram
  • Sol. September 1, 2024:“The greatest comeback in World History will take place. Everything you have known and seen will become perplexing. You won’t believe your eyes. America will erupt. PATRIOTS WILL PREVAIL. AMERICA WILL TRIUMPH. The house of cards will collapse.” …The 17thLetter(JFK Jr.) on Telegram

Global Currency Reset

  • Fifth. June 13, 2024 Bruce:Military sources say notifications to Tier4b (we, the Internet Group) and bondholders should be published and the new Iraqi dinar rate would be published in the Iraqi Gazette bySaturday. June 15, 2024.
  • Fifth. June 13, 2024 Texas Snake: “I have been involved in this venture since early 2007. Coming from the investment community, I have had contacts with people at the NYSE who have been able to put me in touch with many foreign banking employees who have shared almost daily what the news within their banks and countries regarding this restructuring of the world currency. As stated, several years ago and now 3 days of absolutely nothing. So I think everyone in high-end banking has had to execute an NDA and we are very close to the announcement. The doctor in Beeville confirmed the new IQD rate a few days ago, which was only in the country, but with this silence I believe we are at the end of our trade. God blesses”
  • Fifth. June 13, 2024 MarkZ: “I’ve seen facilitators and humanitarian platforms get paid… but this is the first time an individual I can track has received dollars… Call them test deposits or something – but this is the first real movement I’ve seen that felt warm and fuzzy.
  • Wed. June 12, 2024 TNT Tony: “They want it done bySaturday. June 15, 2024.Banks expect to be openthis weekend. Iraq has a nationwide celebration planned forSunday. June 30.”
  • Fifth. June 13, 2024 Wolverine:“I’ve been told by some very, very important sources to be patient – ​​that this is happening. We just have to wait our turn. This will happen in a matter of days. It was confirmed that the release of funds for currency swaps and historical asset swaps began from12pm on Tuesday. June 11th.These released funds will become liquid once the 800 holders’ numbers and emails are released.
  • Fifth. June 13 Mike Bara:“A source received a call from a senior banking source at a large southern bank. “You’ve been bothering me about this for ten years. Well, congratulations friend. Your dream is about to come true.” SOURCE: “What do you mean?” BANKER: “We just received a letter from headquarters informing us to prepare because ‘The Iraqi dinar will be revalued very soon.’”
  • Fifth. June 13th rumor:A friend from the Middle East said: “Today the dinar is worth $5.34 to the US dollar.”
  • Fifth. June 13, 2024 Jentel Short, Jennifer Fallaw-Doering:When can we expect notifications now? They are monitoring suspicious behavior in Reno, which could be a problem. They are also watching the rate movement on the screens. Best estimate is today, tomorrow or later if Reno is an issue. I see currency flowing from exchange centers to Reno and then sent back to the countries of origin. Reno is important. Keep an eye on this. They cannot allow terrorists to interfere in this process. So, it’s still happening. These terrorist attempts are like flies buzzing at the picnic, but they want to make sure there are no wolves hiding in the bushes. Have a great day.

Fifth. June 13, 2024 Bruce, The Big Call

The Big Call Universe ( 667-770-1866,pin123456#, 667-770-1865

  • Military sources say notifications to Tier4b(we, the Internet Group) will be released within the next 48 hours or byFriday. or Saturday. June 15, 2024.
  • The new Dinar ratewas on Forex and trading higher.
  • The new dinar ratewill be published in the Iraqi Gazette onSaturday. June 15, 2024
  • Bondholdersshould receive notifications aroundSaturday. June 15, 2024.

June 13, 2024 The 17thLetterQ (JFK Jr.) on Telegram:

For all Normies,

We told youSEVEN years agowhat was happening in the world.

We have told youfor the last SIX yearshow important it is to them to normalize ap*dophilia.

We told you FOUR years agothat Hunter’s laptop was real.

And now FINALLYthe court is agreeing with us.

It is now a matter of public recordthat the SON of a sitting US “President” is an ap*dophile.

Wait until you find outwho else it is and what else they do.

How could anything be worsethan ap*dophilia, you ask?

We have also been tellingyou this for the last seven years.

Haven’t you been paying attention?Maybe it’s time to start. Wake up Neo, follow the White Rabbit.

“My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us.”

Military Green Light Activated

US Navy Deployed to Miami Due to Russian Warship, Nuclear Power Submarine Threats

Deep State Rothschild The Banking Empire Has Fell, Banks Closed

Pending Media Blackout

Believe me,

the Deep State fell,

the main players are gone

, the puppets will be made with


The Event is Biblical – Prime Disclosure (8)

Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

Several Chinese banks have announced their involvement inthe central bank’s cross-border digital currency trialsmBridge (cross-border CBDC) after the initiative launched its minimum viable product (MVP) last week. At least nine Chinese institutions are involved in the project, although that number could now increase with the MVP. |Ledger Information

Stablecoin issuer Paxos cuts 20% of its team as PayPal receives letter of confidence |Ledger Information

Stablecoin issuerPaxossent an email to employees saying it is reducing its workforce by 65 people or about 20% of its headcount. That’s according toThe BlockandBloomberg, who viewed a company-wide email confirmed by Paxos. The change comes despite a strong balance sheet. Two weeks ago, we reported thatPayPal had received a New York trust charterfor digital assets, which has not yet been formally announced. The two news may be related.


Introducing Ripple USD (RLUSD) |The Crypto Basic

A 1:1 USD-backed stablecoin offering transparency and stability on the XRP Ledger and Ethereum. Coming later this year.


World – Oil, Gas and Electricity – Another major European bank withdraws from fossil fuel financing |Monday


United States – Renewable Energy – Treasury Department, IRS Issues Section 45Z Clean Fuel PTC Registration Guidance |Monday


Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

“Singapore Consultation on the Implementation of Global Minimum Tax”

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development has a 15% tax on multinational companies.

Singapore is the latest country to propose implementing this tax on its companies.

This is a market-based collaboration between global economies designed to develop policy standards that promote sustainable economic growth.

This capital requirement for the global banking system falls under second pillar banking procedures. Pillar 2 Banking supports Pillar 1 Banking to cover capital requirements needs that are not covered in Pillar 1. Pillar 3 addresses open banking, allowing changes to be determined as needed. Below is an article if you want to do a more in-depth study on this ad.

Its objective is to level the playing field between economies and their growth opportunities. A unified approach will give countries’ currencies the ability to compete with the demands of their money based on their own merits and the ability to operate a business through the new Basel 3 requirements.


© Goldilocks


HSBC announcement |Finance Feeds

“HSBC China has become one of the first foreign banks in the country to provide digital yuan services to corporate and retail customers.”


Fortune 500 Announcement |DailyHodl

Currently, more than half of the Fortune 500 companies listed on the market are in the process of interfacing their products and services on the blockchain.

This means that they have currently started the process of moving to the new QFS and operating their tokenized asset opportunities through the new digital asset-based trading system.

© Goldilocks


Zimbabwe is taking an exciting step into the future by launching a public consultation togather views on regulatingcryptocurrency operations in the country, Bloomberg reports. This is a big change for a nation that has historically struggled with monetary issues.

By asking for public feedback and speaking to industry experts, Zimbabwe aims to balance encouraging innovation in the growing crypto sector with ensuring it is done responsibly and in line with international standards.



ISO 20022 Quant Token used in Shanghai Stock Exchange announcement:

“Chinese regulators’ immediate supervision of quantitative trading will help bridge the gap between programs and individual investors in terms of technology, access to information and speed, thereby increasing trust of A-share investors and sustain long-term market stability, according to market experts.

The mainland’s three main stock exchanges, in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing, on Friday released rules on quantitative trading, or programmed trading, and solicited public feedback by June 14.

The rules cover six main areas – reporting management, trading activities, information systems, high-frequency trading, quantitative trading through the stock connect program linking the Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong exchanges, as well as supervision.”

Quant is an ISO 20022 network. Quant is a network that connects existing distributed ledger networks such as the Shanghai Stock Exchange to the new digital asset-based trading system.

Through the adoption of this ISO 20022 standard, Quant brings compatibility with traditional financial systems and streamlines secure data exchanges across multiple networks simultaneously, such as the Shanghai Exchange.


© Goldilocks


Bank of Thailand opens DLT programmable payment trials in sandbox –Ledger Insights – blockchain for enterprises

The Event is Biblical – Prime Disclosure (9)

In an important strategic move, China significantly reduced its corn imports from the United States by 27.3% in 2022, signaling a change in the dynamics of international trade and agricultural markets. This decision stems from a multifaceted strategy that aims to strengthen national supply chains and mitigate geopolitical risks.

In this blog post, we will delve into the main reasons for China’s move away from US corn, including high corn prices, escalating geopolitical tensions, and disruption to supply chains due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

One of the main factors contributing to the reduction in US corn imports by China is the increase in corn prices in the American market. High corn prices make it less economically viable for China to import from the United States, leading them to explore alternative sources to satisfy their domestic demand.

Furthermore, China has been working towards self-sufficiency in agricultural production and current market conditions present an opportunity to accelerate this goal.

Geopolitical factors also played a significant role in China’s decision to reduce US corn imports. As trade relations between the two nations remain tense, China seeks to minimize its dependence on American agricultural products.

Tense political ties have led China to seek more stability and security in its supply chains, making domestic production and diversified foreign sources more attractive.

The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has further impacted China’s decision to reduce corn imports from the US. Ukraine is one of the world’s largest corn exporters and the conflict has damaged its ability to supply the global market.

China, being a major importer of Ukrainian corn, has been affected by these supply disruptions, leading it to look for alternative suppliers. The reduction in US corn imports is a result of this shift in supply.

China’s strategic move to reduce its dependence on US corn imports will have far-reaching implications for international trade dynamics and agricultural markets.

The move presents opportunities for other corn-producing nations, such as Brazil and Argentina, to expand their market share in China. It also highlights the importance of countries developing diversified supply chains and reducing dependence on individual trading partners to minimize geopolitical risks.

Furthermore, China’s pursuit of agricultural self-sufficiency could lead to advances in domestic agricultural technology and practices, promoting innovation and potentially creating new market opportunities. On the other hand, this change could also intensify competition in the global agricultural market, potentially leading to increased market volatility and trade disputes.

China’s 27.3% reduction in US corn imports in 2022 is a strategic move driven by high corn prices, geopolitical tensions and supply disruptions due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

As China seeks to strengthen national supply chains and reduce geopolitical risks, the world will undoubtedly witness a shift in the dynamics of international trade and agricultural markets. Countries must remain vigilant and adapt to these changes to remain competitive and maintain stability in the global agricultural market.

The Event is Biblical – Prime Disclosure (10)

Pandora’s Box Open: Russia and Iran Open New Paths to Avoid the US Dollar and SWIFT

Per Awake in 3D

Examining how sanctions triggered global financial change and the replacement of SWIFT

The United States’ decision to weaponize the dollar, freezing almost $300 billion of Russian reserves and excluding Russia from the SWIFT international payments system, triggered a profound global change.

This move, intended to punish Russia, instead catalyzed the largest global initiative in human history to develop new markets, forge strategic alliances like the BRICS, and build a robust, non-dollar financial system.

As nations like Russia and Iran devise innovative methods to circumvent US-imposed financial restrictions, humanity is witnessing a transformative reconfiguration of international trade and monetary policies.

In this article:
  • Understanding the SWIFT Banking System
  • Russia and Iran Alternative Financial Messaging Network
  • Increased trade between Russia and Iran
  • Implications of a new non-dollar financial system

The United States weaponized the dollar by freezing almost $300 billion of Russian reserves and blocking Russia from the SWIFT international payments system. This move initiated a global effort to create new markets, expand alliances, and establish a non-dollar financial system.

Understanding the SWIFT Banking System

The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) system powers most international money and securities transfers.

SWIFT is a vast messaging network used by financial institutions to send and receive information, such as money transfer instructions, quickly, accurately and securely.

Most global transactions involve SWIFT in some way. The EU has expressed interest in developing alternatives to SWIFT due to frustration with US-dominated sanctions policies.

Russia and Iran Alternative Financial Messaging Network

Business between Russia and Iran is thriving despite being the most sanctioned countries in the world.

Iran’s exports to Russia exceeded $2 billion last year, marking a significant increase compared to previous years. The total value of bilateral trade between the two nations reached $4.9 billion in 2023. To facilitate this expanding trade, Russia and Iran have established their own banking solution.

The central banks of both countries have linked Iran’s Sepam national financial messaging service to Russia’s SPFS messaging service, creating an alternative to the SWIFT system.

Russian banks have opened offices in Tehran and provided lines of credit to support Russian exports to Iran. There are similar plans to increase Iranian exports to Russia.

This collaboration is part of Iran’s “Look East” strategy, which aims to counteract US sanctions by expanding into new markets.

Increased trade between Russia and Iran

The 17th round of the Russia-Iran Joint Economic Commission highlighted their commitment to increase trade tenfold in the coming years.

A Russian economic delegation with 170 representatives recently visited Tehran to solidify this objective. The trade boost is also facilitated by the direct banking solution between the two countries, which bypasses the US dollar.

Implications of a new non-dollar financial system

US and EU sanctions against Russia have had minimal impact on Russia’s oil exports or revenues.

This led to the development of a non-dollar financial system that included new trade routes and alliances. Greece’s maritime sector, for example, continues to profit from the sale of ships to Russian-linked buyers. Furthermore, countries such as India and China benefit from the purchase of Russian oil and Greek ships, while Dubai intermediaries facilitate these transactions.

Sanctions have inadvertently encouraged countries to act in their best interests by creating new markets and financial systems that do not depend on the US dollar.

This shift has significant implications for the global economy, potentially reducing the US dollar’s dominance in international trade.

The end result

The use of the dollar as a weapon by the United States triggered a global shift towards the creation of alternative financial systems and the expansion of commercial alliances. The collaboration of Russia and Iran to circumvent the SWIFT system is a prime example of this trend.

As countries continue to look for ways to counter US sanctions, the global financial landscape will see significant changes, especially with a decline in the dominance of the US dollar.

source for intel:

The Event is Biblical – Prime Disclosure (11)

The Event is Biblical – Prime Disclosure (12)

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The Event is Biblical – Prime Disclosure (2024)


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