Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (2024)

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Scavenge and survive in the haunted wreckage of derelict freighters with the Desolation update. Introducing procedurally-generated freighters, more story content, combat improvements, freighter customisation and more!

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Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (9)


The remains of hastily abandoned freighters float adrift through space. Those who dare to explore these haunted corridors will find great reward – and great danger!

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (10)

Derelicts are found all across space, but Travellers seeking salvage opportunities can acquire specific coordinates from a local scrap dealer – for the right price.

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (11)


Derelict freighters are procedurally generated, with no two interiors the same. The only way to learn the fate of the crew is to step through the airlock door and find out for yourself…

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (12)

  • Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (13)

  • Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (14)

  • Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (15)

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (16)


Uncovering the freighters’ secrets won’t be easy, as these derelicts are full of danger. As the crews fled, systems failed: the lights are off, life support and gravity are offline, and the security AI has gone haywire…

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (17)

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (18)
Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (19)


Some freighters have been infested with a sinister alien presence. Whatever you do, do not disturb the nests…

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (20)

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (21)

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (22)


Each derelict freighter has a unique story to tell. Uncover hints about each crewmember’s fate by retrieving ship logs and personal effects, and ultimately gain access to the captain’s log for insight into the vessel’s final hours.

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Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (24)

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (25)

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (26)


A new technique for bloom lighting has been implemented, resulting in enhanced colour vibrancy and a softer ambience around light sources.

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (27)


The intensity and quality of lens flare has been revisited, and the sun is now an additional source of lens flare. Lens dust is much more evident, and the halo effect surrounding bright light sources is subtly animated.

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (28)
Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (29)


New volumetric light sources have been added, and the Exosuit torch beam is now textured with realistic lens artefacts, enhancing the atmosphere of derelict freighters.

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (30)


Extract upgrades from derelict freighters and use these personalised, unique items to both upgrade your freighter and make it reflect the history of ships you’ve scavenged.

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (31)

As well as improvements to your capital ships’ warp drive, new fleet upgrades can be found and fitted to your freighter. These boosts will permanently improve the abilities of your frigates as they explore the universe.

In addition, freighter upgrades are no longer restricted to the technology inventory, and may be installed in the general freighter inventory.

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (32)


Salvage Auto-Expanding Freighter Modules from derelicts and graft additional inventory space onto your capital ship’s cargo hold.

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Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (34)


Your capital ship can now be recoloured from the Upgrade Control terminal on the freighter bridge.

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Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (36)
Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (37)


Freighter storage boxes can now be accessed directly from the inventory screen tabs.

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Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (39)


Teleport Modules may now be built aboard freighters, allowing direct teleportation between bases, space stations, and your capital ship.

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (40)

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (41)


Multi-Tool weapons have been rebalanced with a focus on a faster-paced, more dynamic, and more satisfying combat experience. Sentinel health and weapons have been tweaked, and combat reinforcements now spawn in greater numbers.

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (42)

Weapon visuals, including crosshairs, muzzle flash, camera shake and projectile visibility have all been improved.

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Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (44)


Mining asteroids in space now has the chance to reveal an Anomaly Detection Beacon. These single-use devices can probe local space and detect nearby anomalous objects for investigation and potential rewards.

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (45)

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (46)

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (47)


Celebrate milestones and express individuality with hundreds of unique player titles.

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (48)

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (49)

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (50)


More varieties of multiplayer mission are available at the Nexus on the Space Anomaly. Group up with other Travellers to survey the life and geography of exotic planets, or assist lost souls whose starships have met an unfortunate fate.

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (51)

Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (52)

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2.6 Patch notes

  • Added a new category of space encounter, the Derelict Freighter. These can be landed on and explored.
    • Derelict freighters are procedurally generated, with an infinite array of potential layouts.
    • Derelict freighters contain large volumes of valuable salvage, as well as special new rewards.
    • Each star system has one derelict freighter style, allowing Travellers to share the portal address of systems with particularly interesting wrecks.
  • Derelict freighters are home to several new hostile entities, including security turrets, aggressive drones, and a new variety of biological horror.
  • Derelict freighters contain procedurally generated stories, with data logs to be found and the crew’s fate to be unravelled.
  • New lore and story content can be found when retrieving the captain’s log.
  • Derelict freighters are occasionally detected by the starships’ subspace radar while using Pulse Drive. However, they can be specifically sought out by purchasing an Emergency Broadcast Receiver from the Space Station’s new Scrap Dealer.
  • Emergency Broadcast Receivers are expensive and may escalate in accordance with demand. Prices reset each day.
  • Each week, Iteration Helios offers a free Emergency Broadcast Receiver.
  • Derelict freighters offer many lucrative rewards:
    • Valuable items and a large number of nanites.
    • The opportunity to sell the data logs for nanites or standing.
    • The ability to use the derelict freighter’s engineering system to extract a piece of the freighter’s technology to fit into your own capital ship.
    • The ability to use the derelict freighter’s engineering system to generate new inventory slots for your capital ship. Take new expandable bulkheads to the Upgrade Station on your freighter bridge to apply them.
  • The Upgrade Station on the freighter bridge can be used to recolour your freighter. Unlock new available colours with nanites. Unlocked colours are permanently available and can be reapplied for free.
  • Storage Containers built upon a freighter base now add tabs to the freighter’s inventory page, allowing quick management of freighter inventory contents.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the installation of technology within a freighter’s general inventory.
  • Improved the display and clarity of the stats displayed on the freighter inventory screen.
  • Teleporters can now be built aboard Freighter Bases. These variants do not require power. They can be used to teleport to other teleporters, or to the Space Station.
  • Capital ships now contribute stats to the success of fleet expeditions. Different freighters have different base levels of Fleet Coordination. This stat can be improved with new procedural technologies salvaged from derelict or abandoned freighters.
  • The expedition UI now shows the difference between stats contributed by the fleet and stats contributed by temporary frigate upgrades or any capital ship technologies.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an expedition to be started while adding or browsing available temporary frigate upgrades.
  • Added hover text to all colour, texture and armour style options to the buttons in the customiser, allowing players to know ahead of time what option they are selecting.
  • Added a new item, the Anomaly Detector, occasionally found when mining asteroids. This strange device will help locate an anomalous space object.
  • Added the ability to add a custom Title to your player name.
    • Titles can be selected at the Customiser.
    • Titles are earned for a large variety in in-game achievements.
  • Sentinel health has been lowered, but once alerted and hunting the player, they now spawn in larger groups.
  • Sentinel weapon speeds have been adjusted to improve the feel of combat.
  • Player projectiles and aiming have been adjusted to improve the feel of combat.
  • In general, player weapon reload speeds have been reduced and clip sizes increased.
  • The base damage of the Boltcaster has been increased.
  • Ricochet is no longer in the pool of procedural upgrades. Specific technologies have been added to the research tree on the Space Anomaly that will add ricochet functionality to weapons if desired.
  • The Boltcaster and the Scatter Blaster now fire in bursts. Holding down fire will trigger short gaps between salvos. These can be adjusted with new technologies.
  • Increased the speed of Boltcaster and Scatter Blaster projectiles, making it easier to hit targets.
  • Added tracer lines to the Boltcaster projectiles.
  • Increased the minimum damage of the Blaze Javelin if firing without charging.
  • Decreased the cooldown time for the Blaze Javelin.
  • Tightened the FOV while in combat.
  • Added custom reticles for each weapon mode.
  • Impact effects and targeting status is now shown on the reticle.
  • The Blaze Javelin charge status is now shown on the reticle.
  • Increased the speed of the FOV zoom when using the combat scope.
  • Improved the impact effects and muzzle flashes of all weapons.
  • Improved the camera shake and pad vibration during combat.
  • Improved the clarity of the incoming damage indicator on the player HUD.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the secondary weapon mode to be deselected when loading a save.
  • Added a new style of Nexus multiplayer mission focused on exploration.
  • Added a new style of Nexus multiplayer mission focused on rescuing stranded Travellers.
  • Reworked the digsite Nexus multiplayer missions to allow progress from any type of bone, rather than requiring only very rare bones.
  • Summoning the Space Anomaly while in Pulse Drive will now correctly disengage the Pulse Engine.
  • Added a new item, the Repair Kit. This can be used to repair any damaged subcomponent, in place of its required materials. The kit is consumed upon use.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when using a shop in multiplayer.
  • Introduced a minor optimisation to terrain generation.
  • Introduced a new implementation for bloom post-processing effects.
  • Improved lighting for bright and/or emissive props.
  • Improved the quality and brightness levels of lens flare effects.
  • Selected spotlights, such as the player torch, now make use of textured light patterns.
  • Selected spotlights now display volumetric properties.
  • When joining a multiplayer game from the frontend, if the player you are joining is on the Space Anomaly then you will spawn directly aboard the Anomaly with them.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause flickering text on the Galaxy Map.
  • Multiplayer player names are now shown when hovering over systems in the Galaxy Map.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to start in an unsafe system when starting a new game in multiplayer.
  • Fixed a number of network stability issues.
  • Fixed an issue where player marker names would clash with their interaction prompt.
  • Fixed a number of cases of chat message spam when entering or leaving the Space Anomaly.
  • Fixed a number of issues that could cause missions to find incorrect targets when undertaking multiplayer missions from the Nexus.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented photo missions working correctly on Xbox.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent players from summoning their freighter to RGB systems.
  • Fixed a number of issues that could occur if players deleted the Void Egg before speaking to the Living Ship for the first time.
  • Fixed a number of resolution scaling problems, including the discovery information popup, and damage and nearby Sentinel indicators.
  • The HUD now correctly shows a damage indicator when the jetpack is broken.
  • Fixed an issue with VR camera positioning when the player body is enabled.
  • Added an option for VR head bob when the player body is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where VR weapon shadows would display outside of VR.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a moon to be labelled ‘of an unknown planet’ even after discovery.
  • Fixed a number of incorrect or missing icons in the Guide.
  • Asteroid placement is now deterministic.
Desolation Update - No Man's Sky (2024)


Are all derelict freighters the same? ›

Each derelict freighter has a unique story to tell. Uncover hints about each crewmember's fate by retrieving ship logs and personal effects, and ultimately gain access to the captain's log for insight into the vessel's final hours.

How to improve standing with Vy Keen? ›

Often the explorer is given a choice whose outcome is contingent upon Vy'keen morals. A positive reaction will bolster your standing with the Vy'Keen and often produce a reward and a greater understanding of the Atlas language. Upgraded weapons and artifacts are not uncommon gifts from positive monolith interactions.

What happens when you finish the main quest in no man's sky? ›

The main quest is more of a tutorial than anything else, after you complete it you can choose to go to a different galaxy with different setups for example a lush galaxy where earth like planets are more common, as for the end game you can keep exploring new systems, discovering new planets and creatures, doing ...

How to get rid of sentinel wanted level? ›

You lose Wanted Levels in a simple way: putting distance between yourself and Sentinels/pursuers. When pursued, high-tail it out of there. Make for your ship, or if you're in space, break for deep space or dive toward an atmospheric haven.

Which derelict freighter reward? ›

Possible Rewards
Lost ArtifactQuicksilverGekNip
Salvaged ScrapUpgrade Modules - ExosuitProjectile Ammunition
Terrifying SampleUpgrade Modules - StarshipUnstable Plasma
Unearthed TreasureUpgrade Modules - Multi-toolLiving Slime
8 more rows

Can you own two freighters in no man's sky? ›

You can only own one freighter. Thanks that what i figured but i thing it would have been cool to have an entire fleet. That's the exact reason I came here, I was trying to see if I could have a Fleet of Freighters, but apparently "No." Too bad, I'd have loved to have a "Task Force" of Freighters.

What is the point of standing nms? ›

Faction standing currently has the following effects: Availability of certain blueprints to purchase. Faction specific dialogue options. Possibility to start missions, which require a minimum faction standing.

How to increase standing with Korvax? ›

The player can gain standing with successful interactions with the Korvax, helping to resolve difficult equations, accepting various tissue donation for research purposes, and pretending to be a lesser, nonintellectual being than the Korvax to encourage them in finding a higher intellectual being other than themselves.

What is autophage nms? ›

Mechanical lifeforms. Uncover the Autophage, a long-hidden civilisation of robotic beings. With bodies cobbled together from scrap metal and salvaged technology, these wandering constructs appear in a huge variety of styles – from slender pipe-wrought robots to hefty cloth-draped machines.

What happens if you reset the simulation in no man's sky? ›

Reset Simulation

Once the galaxy type has been chosen, the simulation reset will occur, teleporting the player and their current starship to a random planet in the new galaxy and damaging all Technology in the player's Multi-tool and those in the primary (but not cargo) inventories of the player's Exosuit and starship.

Do you ever meet Apollo nms? ›

Apollo is a Traveller who the player meets as part of the Artemis Path. Apollo was once a flesh and blood Traveller like the player, but have had their bodies fully replaced by robotics in some part of their past.

What happens when you reach the center of the universe in no man's sky? ›

Reaching the galactic core will send you to an entirely new galaxy. Your inventory'scontents will remain, as will your Units, but your ship, multi-tool, and Exosuit's upgrades will be broken and all need repairing, as your ship did at the very start of the game.

Can you disable sentinels on a planet? ›

After defeating this wave of sentinels, all sentinels on that planet will be deactivated temporarily and the location of the nearest Sentinel Pillar will be revealed. Can also be obtained by leaving a planet before the "Sentinels Searching" counter runs out.

How do I stop sentinels chasing me? ›

You can stop sentinels attacking you in space by entering the space anomaly, your freighter, or the space station. However, your freighter and the anomaly cannot be summoned (or dismissed) during combat.

Are sentinels bad in no man's sky? ›

Mysterious in origin and annoying in behavior, Sentinels are the keepers of the galaxy and its many resources in No Man's Sky. These robotic watchers are like the police force of the game's planets, keeping track of the peace and attacking you when you disturb it.

What are the rarest freighters in NMS? ›

Freighters are massive ships that act as mobile resource dispensers, meeting areas, and homes for players across the No Man's Sky universe. S-Class versions are the highest-rated and rarest of them all. Although it can be done for free, players will have to put in a lot of work to obtain a S-Class Freighter.

Can you loot derelict freighters in no man's sky? ›

They have four Landing Pads to allow for tackling them in multiplayer. Players must board the freighter, which has been sealed shut, to collect information and loot.

What is the size difference between freighters in no man's sky? ›

There are several regular freighters with up to 19 slots of inventory and two designs of small, medium, and large visual sizes for capital freighters with up to 34 slots.

What are the monsters in derelict freighters? ›

Enemies aboard Derelict Freighters

The four types of enemies are AI Drones, AI Turrets, Space Jellyfish, and Crawlers. AI Drones are small mechanical spheres which fire laser beams at any players they encounter. AI Turrets sit deactivated in the ceiling and scan the room below their position.


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.